How do puppies get staff infections? - mole infections photos
My dog has a very bad staff ....(( bacterial infection)) are very swollen and red eyes and a yellow handkerchief is running out of them ... there was something in his eye that looked like a mole. . could open and began to scratch or something?
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If the skin is punctured or for any reason, staph can enter the wound and cause infections. I had a cat that came from and struck by a stray dog. It was cut very badly, and developed a staph infection in his shoulder. The vet gave us antibiotics and told us to leave the wound to allow the escape of the infection. We were also warned to be compressed 5 times a day to help you draw the infection.
There are over 30 different species of Staphylococcus bacteria, so make sure that your vet has a culture, how they treat best.
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